Neuigkeit vom 24.01.2025BUHAI + Janda
BUHAI’s music moves elegantly between different genres and always sounds new and original. A catchy, handmade and thoroughly composed pop music moving between Kraut-Rock, Neue Deutsche Welle, French-Pop and Jazz. Sometimes subtle and melodic, sometimes harsh and defiant, sometimes sensual and playful.The four musicians have been playing together in different constellations for more than ten years.
When it comes to elements, water has always been her favourite: with »APNOE«, Leipzig-based singer JANDA presents her second full-length album. Utilizing virtuoso production and subcutaneous songwriting, she sonically tells the tale of a deep dive between two breaths – the acoustic storyboard for a yet-to-be-done movie. Influences like Becca Stevens, Joni Mitchell, Fink, José Gonzales and Sufjan Stevens come out to play, and yet: one has never heard songs like these before. Effortlessly mixing folk structures with bits and pieces from pop, jazz, and electronica, JANDA expands and re-defines the Singer-Songwriter genre. »APNOE« goes deep, emotionally as well as literally. Unmistakeable: JANDAs crystal-clear, nuanced vocals, which to date have graced numerous live and studio productions.